The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council is the duly elected and recognized government of the Mohawk people. Both New York State and the United States deal exclusively with the Tribal Council Chiefs in a government-to-government relationship.
Accountable government & professional organization that benefits the community
Building the path through which community development can be fully realized now and in the future
Exercising tribal sovereignty and all the tools of government
Developing its capacity as a service delivery organization
Engaging in collaborative partnerships that expand its impact
A healthy and prosperous Mohawk environment where every member has the opportunity to succeed at home and in the global community.
Strengthening Mohawk Culture and Identity
Advocating Rights
Sustaining Opportunity
Pursuing Continuous Improvement
Being Respectful
Being Proactive
Embracing Diversity
Core Strategies:
Enhancing the effectiveness of Tribal Government
Continuing to develop the Tribe as a professional program & service delivery organization
Planning program and service growth on our own terms
Supporting a sustainable revenue generation capacity
Engaging in collaborative community development
Accountable government & professional organization that benefits the community
Building the path through which community development can be fully realized now and in the future
Exercising tribal sovereignty and all the tools of government
Developing its capacity as a service delivery organization
Engaging in collaborative partnerships that expand its impact
A healthy and prosperous Mohawk environment where every member has the opportunity to succeed at home and in the global community.
Strengthening Mohawk Culture and Identity
Advocating Rights
Sustaining Opportunity
Pursuing Continuous Improvement
Being Respectful
Being Proactive
Embracing Diversity
Core Strategies:
Enhancing the effectiveness of Tribal Government
Continuing to develop the Tribe as a professional program & service delivery organization
Planning program and service growth on our own terms
Supporting a sustainable revenue generation capacity
Engaging in collaborative community development