The world “Acoma” and related words which are equally correct and historically applicable- Akome, Acu, Acuo and Ako- denote “a place always prepared.”
There is a great difference of opinion as to the age of the Acoma Nation. While traditional Acoma oral history reflects on a time far beyond our imagination, a time of creation and emergence onto this world, the Acoma people have always known of a special place called “Haaku,” a spiritual homeland prepared for their eternal settlement. Recent excavations on Acoma Mesa tend to suggest that Acoma was inhabited before the time of Christ. Archaeologists agree that it has been continuously occupied from at least A.D 1200. Acomas claim always to have lived on their mesa, hospitably receiving wandering tribes to share their valley which, at one time, had plenty of water and was excellent for farming.
There is a great difference of opinion as to the age of the Acoma Nation. While traditional Acoma oral history reflects on a time far beyond our imagination, a time of creation and emergence onto this world, the Acoma people have always known of a special place called “Haaku,” a spiritual homeland prepared for their eternal settlement. Recent excavations on Acoma Mesa tend to suggest that Acoma was inhabited before the time of Christ. Archaeologists agree that it has been continuously occupied from at least A.D 1200. Acomas claim always to have lived on their mesa, hospitably receiving wandering tribes to share their valley which, at one time, had plenty of water and was excellent for farming.